Sunday, December 4, 2011

White House tour, part 2

The highlight of the day was when First Dog Bo Obama dropped by Ellie's office to say hi. Isabel -- and the rest of us -- were thrilled! Bo is just as cute in person as he is in his photos (or in the holiday decorations throughout the White House). He's incredibly well behanved and a little shy, but who wouldn't be with all those cameras clicking every time he goes by! As you can tell by these photos, Isabel fell madly in love -- I just hope her own dog doesn't find out! (And just to prove I was there, I've included one photo of me.)

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White House tour, Part 1

We had a great tour of the White House Saturday. The decorations and trees are absolutely beautiful! Most of the them are very elegant, but there's one -- decorated in bright colors with felt ornaments and gardland -- that is the happiest tree I've ever seen (if a tree can be called happy :). There are also lots of little, and not so little, Bo O'Bamas -- the First Dog -- made out of licorice and marshmellows, buttons, and white and black garbage bags.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 Christmas tree lighting

Here's the 1st group of photos from tonight's Christmas tree lighting. Thanks to Ellie for getting us such great seats! Other than the Obamas and Santa, Kermit was the only celebrity I recognized. He and Michele did a great job reading to the kids. In the family photo, Michele's mom is on the left. I'm not sure where the President disappeared to in this photo.

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